Thursday, April 16, 2009

Bushwick Country Club and Photobooths

If you're into old-fashioned black and white photobooth photos, you should check out Bushwick Country Club at 618 Grand Street in Williamsburg. They have one in back that produces gems such as these:

This is me with one of the bartenders, Thomas.

We invited The Teenagers (famous for the song "Homecoming") to the bar. They liked it so much, that they skipped out on a Vampire Weekend party to come back to BCC. This is the resulting photobooth.

P.S. It is commonly referred to as BCC.

P.P.S. Be sure to get your hands on a basket of cheese puffs. They're like the peanuts that an ordinary bar would serve to guests as finger food, but this isn't an ordinary bar. That's part of the reason The Teenagers loved it so. Dorian from the band had never tried cheese puffs, and he became addicted.

But the best photobooths I have ever done (by far) are the ones we got in Japan. Take a look:


Vulture Realty – The Joke


  1. you inspired me... and you're a slut, but that's besides the point.




  2. you take such great photos! your blog is such a visual treat!
